

Brunel University London

Volunteering with a professional focus

Brunel University London has an extensive volunteering programme. With a number of charitable and community organisations seeking support, there are plenty of opportunities available for students to donate their time to help good causes. Volunteering also enables students to demonstrate dedication on a well rounded CV. You can earn points for each volunteering activity that you attend. Brunel Volunteers develops and facilitates volunteering opportunities for students within Brunel’s local community. Volunteering not only helps you develop key skills and attributes, whilst enhancing your CV it also provides opportunities to contribute to Brunel’s local community, impacting on your own and other’s wellbeing. At the end of term, students are acknowledged for their volunteering hours by being awarded certificates.

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How points are awarded

10 points per activity attended. Email proof of attendance to

Points per item: 0.

Maximum points per term: 50